Thursday, March 12, 2009

The slow march of progress

Well it has been some month! I have been working flat out to get my PhD written up which unfortunately hasn't left any time for painting and so the first regiment of the Marquisate of Valerno languishes unfinished on the painting table.
Anyway due to various factors I have had to extend my hand in date and so in fact the pressure is now somewhat less than it has been in the last few weeks and I hope to be able to do some painting to take my mind off things. Hopefully I will have made enough progress to warrant a few pictures sometime next week!


Prinz Geoffrey said...

Took me four years to write my Master's thesis can not even imagine what you have had to go through for your doctorate. Congratulations Dr. Burnstone A.B.T. What is your degree?

Bluebear Jeff said...

I look forward to the photos.

-- Jeff

Anonymous said...

Good luck with finishing the PhD - been there, done that, know how hellish it can be, especially the final grind of writing up!

Love the ImagiNation regiments - those Mindens are beautiful figures...


abdul666 said...

Knew those moments -several times in succession: Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies, Thèse de 3ème Cycle, Thèse d'Etat- and then tutored (does the word exist?) generations of students through the same steps, the same alternances of enthusiasm, exaltation, depression and quasi-panic ... Cheers: "C'est la lutte finaâale!" ("the last fight let us face")!

Good-looking soldiers from the sunny Marquisate of Valerno will relieve your mind - looking forward to discover them.


Josh said...

Thanks everyone :)

@Prinz Geoffrey - I am investigating the biology and behaviour of the insect Thrips tabaci on UK onion crops
